The Test Setting

Regular or sporadic testing?  With or without supervision? Find the ideal test environment for your requirements.


  • Testing at an individual workstation with a desktop PC
  • Testing at an individual workstation with laptop or tablet computer: mobile testing


  • Online testing without administration software: Web Direct Testing
  • Online testing with administration software
  • Testing with a test system network in a local network
  • Testing with a networked system in geographically dispersed or global networks



The administration station and the test station are on the same computer (PC, laptop).

Testing at an individual workstation with a desktop PC
The classic setup: the Vienna Test System is installed locally on a PC. The test administrator and the testee both work at this workstation. The test administrator carries out the administration. The testee then works the tests.
If required, two monitors can be connected. One monitor is used solely to work the tests. The test administrator observes the test process on the second monitor and can intervene if necessary.

Testing at an individual workstation with laptop or tablet computer: mobile testing
This works in the same way as testing at an individual workstation with a desktop PC, the only difference being that the Vienna Test System is installed on a laptop or tablet computer. Using a mobile device enhances flexibility, since testing can be carried out anywhere. CPRD can supply a practical carry case (with and without laptop compartment) for transporting accessories such as foot pedals and the response panel.

Worth knowing
Do you sometimes want to test on a desktop PC and sometimes on a laptop or tablet computer? Or test on a tablet computer and then transfer the data to a desktop PC and manage it there? You can buy one Vienna Test System, install it on multiple computers and carry out testing by inserting a dongle (a USB stick containing the test license or the license for the system) into the machine that is currently in use.


The administration station and the test station are on different computers.

Online testing without administration software: Web Direct Testing
You can now test without administration software – and hence without needing to install anything!
To carry out online testing without administration software:

  • Register in the CPRD webshop.
  • Select the required test(s) or test sets, then go to the checkout and pay for them.
  • You will immediately receive an email containing a link via which the tests can be started. Send this link to your testee.
  • As soon as the testee has finished the tests, you will be emailed a pdf with the results.

Online testing with administration software
Utilize the advantages of the administration software and of online testing. In this case the Vienna Test System NEURO is installed not on a PC but on a server (within your company or at CPRD.

Testing with a test system network in a local network
If you want to test a large number of people simultaneously, it is worth setting up a test system network. Computers loaded with the Vienna Test System are set up in one or more test rooms and networked in a local network. One workstation is earmarked for the test administrator; the others are for the testees. Via the test system network all the testees can be tested at the same time, even if they are working completely different tests. Companies and institutions such as Audi, the Portuguese police and the Finnish air force utilize the advantages of a test system network.

The “Direct Testing” function
Each testee receives a code and logs onto the computer using this code or their personal details. The tests assigned to that person start automatically.

The ”Monitoring” function
Via his screen, the test administrator observes how all the testees are progressing with the tests they are taking.
Testing with a networked system in geographically dispersed or global networks
The advantage of this scenario is that central management of data is combined with decentral testing of individuals, wherever they may be.

The key features of a networked test system are as follows:

  • Testing requires an intranet or an internet connection.
  • All testee management, defining of test batteries and scoring of results takes place centrally via a computer.
  • Testees can be tested simultaneously at different locations. The Vienna
  • Test System is installed on each computer that is used for testing.
  • On the central computer access authorizations can also be defined.
  • Test usage licenses can be purchased centrally and then distributed to the decentral systems.


The Vienna Test System is easy to integrate into existing workflows and software programs such as applicant management systems or a hospital IT environment. The customizable interface in the Vienna Test System facilitates integration and data exchange. The benefit to you: you start the tests from an administration interface with which you are familiar – this makes the system easy to use and boosts efficiency.